Pregnancy Diary: Week 36

I can’t believe week 36 was my last full week of being pregnant! It feels like such a long time ago we found out, but at the same time it really feels like it’s flown…. especially the third trimester! If you missed my last post, baby boy is being born via C-section at 37 weeks, so while…

Pregnancy Diary Week 35

This was my second week in Dunedin. This week seemed to kick off with a lot of Braxton Hicks contractions, which is slightly daunting as I’m terrified I won’t be able to tell the difference between BH and proper contractions (although everyone has told me I will DEFINITELY know!) Braxton Hicks are funny, my belly just gets…

Pregnancy Diary: Week 33 – 34

Pregnancy Diary Week 33 I’m not going to lie, this week sucked! We had our appointment with the obstetrician in Dunedin, and thankfully she is lovely. Sadly, they’ve told me I need to be in Dunedin from week 34 onwards in case of any bleeding with my placenta previa/low lying placenta. While I haven’t had any so…

Pregnancy Diary: Week 31 – 32

I’ve decided to start making these updates every fortnight rather than monthly, as we are getting so close now to meeting the little guy! Of course babies turn up when ever they feel like it, but from 37-42 weeks is the norm – that’s only 4 weeks away now! Ever since about halfway though my pregnancy, I’ve had…

Pregnancy Diary: Weeks 27 – 30

Week 27 I was feeling really good this week (well, during the day at least – more on that later!), and I was so happy to start to see a few of the big things get ticked off our list. Our double glazing went in, which is so ridiculously exciting as it means we said goodbye to…

Pregnancy Diary: Week 22 – 26

At the end of every week, I sit down to update this post and I can’t believe how fast time is going! It feels like it wasn’t that long ago I was excited about the first trimester nearly being over, and here we are heading towards the start of the third! I can officially say I’m six…

Pregnancy Diary: Week 18 – 21

Week 18 The week of no sleep. I sort of thought now was the time when I was supposed to be sleeping heaps, as people are always like “better get it while you can”, but this week my sleep was terrible. I’d be lucky to get 3-4 hours a night, which was definitely not enough as I…

Pregnancy Diary: Week 14-17

I’m really enjoying writing these pregnancy diary posts, and it seems you are all liking them too! In order to not blast you all too much with baby news, I’ve decided to do a bit of a monthly update. This month was between being weeks 14 and 17. I can’t believe how fast time is flying! While…

Pregnancy Diary: The First Trimester

If you’re reading this post, then you probably saw our announcement a few days ago! We have a baby on the way! Today I wanted to share with you how I’ve found the first trimester and how everything has been going! I found out I was pregnant at 6 weeks. I had been having my strong suspicions…

My Caesarean Section Recovery

If you’ve been following my pregnancy diary posts, then you will probably know that I opted for an elective caesarean section for the birth of my first child Jack. I had a low lying placenta throughout my whole pregnancy, and at my 36 week scan it had still only moved 13mm away from the opening of the…